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Big Time Adulting

Nov 15, 2021

Welcome to episode three of Big Time Adulting. This episode features my first official guest on the podcast, who is uniquely qualified to provide insights on mom guilt and parenting during a pandemic.

Dr. Tanya Cotler is a clinical psychologist who specializes in reproductive and maternal mental health and parent-child attachment. Being both a child and adult psychologist, she is the perfect candidate to answer my questions today. 

It has been both validating and reaffirming to hear from Dr. Cotler that parenting doesn’t have to be perfect. There is no reason to feel guilty for not breastfeeding, deciding to go with an unpopular parenting style, or even having an emotional outburst in front of your child.

If you’ve ever struggled with mom guilt, felt the intense pressure to become a perfect mom, or have wondered on how to support your child during this pandemic, this episode is for you.

Learn more from Dr. Tanya Cotler through her website, or connect with her on Instagram (@drcotlrer)

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